April 8, 2010

Legendary Beast Captured, Proves Ancient People Were 'Fraidy-Cats

Legitimate question to journalists: What exactly would you say you "do" here?

The headline of this UK Telegraph piece reads "'Oriental yeti' discovered in China". Now, ask anyone on the entire planet to describe a yeti, and I guarantee not a single one of them will describe this:

But the Telegraph is in the clear, because, you see, they used apostrophes. They were only reporting that this mangy civet had been "dubbed" an 'Oriental yeti'. "Dubbed by whom?" might be a logical question, though it's one the Telegraph didn't feel the need to answer.

So, now that the standard operating procedure has been established, I would like to announce that Scotticus Finch, 'the world's most-trusted blog', has discovered 'unequivocal proof' that the 'Queen of England' is 'actually a man'.

All claims have been thoroughly dubbed.


  1. Why do I get the feeling that we are gong to find out that the ‘Oriental yeti’ is a dog with a bad case of mange?

  2. But we won't find out. At least not from the Telegraph. This was a (darned effective) traffic generator with no actual story and definitely no follow-up.

    And where's the perspective for the picture? With nothing to reference, that molerat could be the size of six city blocks.


  3. That thing is gross.
